Pilgrims Union Church of God, London UK Privacy Policy


Pilgrims Union Church of God Notice for collecting contact information from Church attendees. This privacy notice is an addendum to Pilgrims Union Church of God’s privacy statement and notices. The Church of Pilgrims Union Church of God (as Data Controller) can be contacted by ringing the church mobile or landline on 07593 859 906 / 020 8672 0008 or emailing . pucg.secretary@gmail.com  


We are collecting your name and contact details in order to fulfil our responsibility to provide a safe environment in which those attending the Pilgrims Union Church of God can pray and worship during this COVID-19 recovery phase. We will only use this information to contact you in the event that we believe you may have come into contact with a suspected case of COVID-19 at Pilgrims Union Church of God Tooting.


The church will require you at registration to check a tick box for your details should you develop symptoms of covid-19 or found to be in contact with a suspected case whether you are happy for your details to be shared share your details with NHS Test and Trace. If we are requested for contact tracing, we will communicate this with you via one of communication lines, phone, email or online message we will contact you privately ourselves informing you of any investigation of local outbreaks. Your name and contact details will temporarily be securely stored at Pilgrims Union Church of God in a safe place, in our Church office which will be kept locked with limited access. The details collected will be retained for a period of 21 days in line with government guidance and then disposed of within the following 7 days.


Please inform Pilgrims Union Church of God as soon as possible if you test positive for coronavirus or develop any of the following COVID-19 symptoms:

▪ A high temperature

▪ A new, persistent cough

▪ A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

Data Protection legislation allows us to process this information as we regard it as being in the church’s legitimate interest. The Information Commissioner’s Office has published guidance on data handling during the pandemic. Please see www.ico.org.uk/coronavirus.