Pilgrims Union Church of God
COVID-19 Church Building re-opening Letter
Dear Brethren,
We are pleased to welcome all our members back into worship in the house of God. Whilst we are glad to be re-opening our church doors again, we have done so with extra measures in line so as to reduce the risks of transmission of COVID-19 and help to keep everyone safe when in the building.
The following advice has been based on the UK government’s COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship from 4th July, published 17th July 2020. This advice should be read alongside the Pilgrims Union Church of God risk assessment and the government guidance on the reopening of the church building.
This letter alongside other COVID-19 related documents are located at the back of the main hall (place of worship) on the notice board. This letter has been last updated on Saturday 25th July 2020 in line with the latest update and information for COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic updated on 17th July 2020.
This is the guidance of the Pilgrims Union Church of God Tooting but please understand we are unable to foresee and give guidance on every specific scenario. In instances which are not clear please use your discretion and if unsure please speak to the church officials.
“And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31 verse 81.
1. Church website
This letter, risk assessment and other related documents are available online here.
2. Protective Security and Social Distancing
A COVID-19 risk assessment has been put in place in order to protect our members and visitors whilst using our place of worship. The layout of the main hall has been adjusted to reflect social distancing practices. A safe distance of at least 2 metres, or 1 metre with additional protective measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of transmission (where 2 metres is not viable); which needs to be maintained between households. Please refer to the risk assessment located in the main worship hall on the notice board (back of the church) and via our website here.
All members / visitors are required to sanitise their hands upon entry. A one-way system will be in operation and members advised to use the fire exit door to exit the church at the end of each service / meeting to reduce cleaning levels, transmission and minimise congregating together in one place. However, discretion will be exercised.
Social distancing must be observed within and outside the premises. We ask that members refrain from congregating outside the church building and make prompt exits to their cars / homes so as to give way to cleaning after services.
When you arrive at church please confirm with the ushers upon entry if you have any of the key symptoms associated with COVID-19. This is a fever, persistent dry cough and/or loss of taste or smell and have not had such symptoms for 14 days, or have been asked to self-isolate by NHS test and trace.
3. Insurance for Legal Liability
It is impossible to eliminate all risk in a church context, health and safety incidents can be reduced by undertaking comprehensive risk assessments and putting appropriate safeguarding in place. However, in most cases, insurance will be available to a church to provide cover in the eventuality of a claim arising against the church. Information located on notice board.
4. Restrictions on Capacity
Limits for capacity for communal worship is decided by the church officials and will be reviewed frequently. Due to previous services we have noted we have not exceeded the capacity of the building to enforce a restriction on the number of attendees, however this will continue to be monitored periodically in accordance with COVID-19 risk assessment and guidelines. Focus will be placed on the social distancing within the building outlined within this document.
5. Building Controls and Ventilation
Automated hand sanitiser machines have been put in place within the church building. The sanitising of hands are not however to be replaced with the washing of hands and this is to be continuously stressed that members continue to utilise the hand washing facilities as the hand sanitisers only serve as an extra precautionary method. The garden doors and other doors/ windows will be opened occasionally to allow for routine ventilation.
6. Our Emergency Action plan in cases of COVID-19
If someone is found to have symptoms of the Coronavirus disease, the church building will need to be quarantined for 72 hours as the virus can survive on surfaces for up to this length of time. Additionally, the church would need to be deep cleaned and members in contact with the person may need to quarantine for 14 days from the day of the last contact.
Other people who may have been in contact with the person who has become unwell should wash their hands thoroughly after the interaction, but do not need to take any other specific action unless they develop symptoms themselves or are advised to do so by NHS Test and Trace. If the affected person develops symptoms, they should follow the stay at home guidance.
If you’re currently shielding, you will be expected to inform the church officials as soon as possible.
7. Our church register for NHS Test and Trace
Registering your details will be requested upon arrival but is optional and not a condition for attending any of our services. Due to the sensitive nature of your personal data we have a privacy policy in place also available to view on our website.
NHS Test and Trace is not currently mandatory by UK law. A register will be kept in the event of members who have visited the church building. We will be confirming your contact details in case you need to be contacted in the case of an emergency. Personal data will NOT be passed onto government officials but rather the church officials will take responsibility of managing the contacting of persons individually who may have come into contact with said person.
The ushers will be responsible for the general overseeing of the register of members upon arrival. If you’re writing on the behalf of your family, please write each individual’s name. Please see our privacy policy statement via our website here.
8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
According to the guidelines for places of worship published on 17th July 2020, people are also encouraged to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces where there are people they do not normally meet, such as a place of worship.
Due to a short supply of COVID-19 PPE, we ask that members come with their own face coverings, disposable gloves, aprons or whatever precautionary measures deemed fit for themselves. Face coverings and gloves will be provided for our most vulnerable, the elderly and visitors should this be required.
9. Church Services
Service times will be adhered to as usual and at the usual times. The church will be cleaned before and after each service to reduce the risks of transmission as well as to keep in line with government guidance, please refer to our risk assessment. Social interactions before, during and after services should be kept to a minimum and in line with social distancing measures.
The use of shared items
Individuals should avoid touching and handling property belonging to others.
a) If you are assisting the elderly please ensure you wash your hands before and after or wear disposable gloves.
b) The church hassocks (prayer cushions) will be cleaned regularly and available for use if needed. We ask that you clean the hassocks used with the disinfectant wipes provided.
c) We have extra Bibles available via our ushers. However, the system will continue to operate where scriptures and songs can be read/sang off the projector / tv screens.
10. Tithes and Offering
Cash offerings will still be accepted in the usual way with one Usher handling the offering tray. Regular cleaning and hygiene will be in place and ushers will continue to wear their gloves for this.
11. Holy Communion
We will still partake in Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, however this will not be done in the usual way. We will be using a small tong to hand out wafers to each persons. You will still be permitted to take your own communal wine from the tray as this will already be prepared and spaced out so as to avoid cross contamination. You will be required to wash or sanitise your hands in advance of this. Please do not collect communal glasses from others and ensure you place your own communal glass back into the canister. The bread and communal wine tray will remain covered as singing or speaking should not happen over consumables.
12. Singing, Preaching and Musical Instruments
It has ben advised that singing, shouting, raising voices and/or playing music at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult or that may encourage shouting is to be avoided. This is because of the potential for increased risk of transmission from aerosol and droplets. Singing and instruments which are specifically blown into should also be avoided.
Spoken responses during worship should not be in a raised voice. A PA system should be used for amplification if more than a normal speaking voice is required to make voices heard. Handheld microphones and other equipment that is touched should not be shared between participants. Where essential, during worship, one individual only is advised to be permitted to render an item - where possible plexiglass screens will be used. Members may record singing at home which can be played in accordance with whoever is conducting from the front of the service.
Singers are now able to rehearse and record indoors for broadcasting only. Indoor performances to a live audience are expected to resume after 1st August 2020. Please refer to government guidelines.
13. Cleaning Routines
We have taken extra precautions to ensure we are looking out for the health, well-being and safety of all our members. The church will be deep cleaned in the usual way every week, including the cleaning of any upholstery and soft furnishings. Also, additional cleaning will be undertaken before and after Sunday service/s and other meetings.
Equipment such as handheld microphones and stands, musical instruments, bibles, hymnal books, chairs, the computer system, remote controls and general surfaces that are touched regularly will be required to be cleaned before and after each use. It will be the responsibility of the musicians, the Praise and Worship team (if operating), persons operating the system, or Ushers to wipe down surfaces before and after every use with the disinfectant provided and wash or sanitise their hands.
A cleaning checklist will be in place to ensure essential cleaning routines are being followed in accordance with the church building.
14. Ushers
Ushers are asked to remain in post and be ready to register contact details with permission from each individual attendee upon arrival. All attendees will be reminded that this is optional and that their personal information will be stored and destroyed after 21 days in line with data protection laws. We are also appealing for volunteers to help ushers upon demand should for any reason an usher is unable to attend a service. If you would like to volunteer, please speak directly to the church officials.
15. Toilet Facilities and Hygiene Practices
Church toilets will still be used and the numbers of persons allowed in at any one time can be found on posters located on the doors. You will need to use hand sanitiser before entering/ using the toilets. You are not required to use hand sanitiser again when returning into service provided you have used the hand washing facilities on the premises, washing your hands for more than 20 seconds.
Please ensure the toilets are kept clean, use the automatic sensor liquid soap provided and disposable paper towels as an alternative to hand dryers in hand washing facilities. The number of persons permitted will also be reviewed periodically.
16. Food & Hygiene
Food will not be permitted to be consumed within the church where services are conducted. Should adults and/or children need a snack, the communal hall, located at the back of the church area can be used. Please ensure the area is left clean and tidy after use, putting any rubbish into the bin located at the back of the hall.
The use of the church kitchen will also be reduced with the kitchen door kept closed at all times. If you wish to use the kitchen to make a cup of tea, prepare formula or snacks for young children, please ask the Ushers on duty who will let you in to do so. Please ensure surfaces are cleaned before and after leaving the kitchen and remember to wash your hands before and after meals.
17. Protecting the Vulnerable and Elderly
Certain groups of people may be at increased risk of severe disease from COVID-19, including people who are aged 70 or older, regardless of medical conditions. Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and, if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside of their household.
If anyone becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 in a place of worship they should go home immediately and be advised to follow the stay at home guidance, which covers NHS Test and Trace. If they need clinical advice, they should go online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they don’t have internet access). In an emergency, call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured or their life is at risk. They should not visit the GP, pharmacy, urgent care centre or a hospital.
18. People who are Symptomatic
Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) should not attend the place of worship due to the risk that they pose to others; they should self-isolate at home immediately with other members of their household. Remote participation should be considered, for example by live streaming. This applies equally to individuals who work at the place of worship.
Where individuals are self-isolating due to a possible or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the household, or because they have been requested to do so by NHS Test & Trace, they should participate remotely. See stay at home guidance for households with possible or confirmed COVID-19.
19. Children and Young People
Children are to be encouraged to wash their hands and should be supervised by their parents / guardians at all times. The baby changing facilities should be cleaned before and after use, using the disinfectant wipes provided and used nappies disposed of in a safe way, tied in a nappy sack and put into the bin provided.
Sunday school classes for adults and children will continue as per usual with the exception of the children’s Sunday school moving to the communal hall (instead of upstairs prior to COVID-19). This enables social distancing to be exercised without confinement. Sunday school teachers will be expected to reinforce safety measures and good hygiene practices with children, ensuring their hands are washed frequently and/or sanitised. Any Sunday school equipment used will need to be cleaned before and after every use.
20. Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms and other life cycle events
In the event of a wedding or funeral, It is strongly advised that only essential aspects of the ceremonies take place at this time. This means no food or drink should be consumed as a part of the event unless required for the purposes of solemnisation and should have no more than 30 people present. Large wedding receptions should not take place. Other life cycle ceremonies should also have no more than 30 people present, unless the event is part of a routine communal worship service. Social distancing should be maintained.
Separate guidance is available on the conduct of Weddings and Funerals. Please see the gov.uk website on this for further information.
21. Broadcasting
We will be continuing sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through our online platforms (Facebook and YouTube). We will be recording parts of our services for our church members who are shielding or have been advised to quarantine by the NHS and the general public. Please note, only people who are on the pulpit will be filmed. Our aim is to reach souls outside of our church halls bringing people closer to Christ via social media.
22. Church Garden
This area will be restricted until further notice.
23. Church Van
Face coverings MUST be worn at all times. A maximum of 8/9 persons will be permitted to travel at any one time from different households. Members who do not drive MUST be considered for travel first.
24. Updates of Relevant COVID-19 Information
We will endeavour to do our uttermost best to keep you well informed with the latest guidances for our place of worship in line with guidelines from the government. Regular members meetings where extensive updates need to be made will be held in the usual way, alternatively announcements will be made at the end of every service where a members meeting is not required.
Further advice and information can be found at: COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship. Coronavirus Information here.
We understand that these changes mean we will be worshipping in a slightly different way to that we are used to but these measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of infection. As a church, we all have a duty of care to ensure the safety, health and well-being of each member/visitor and ask the new measures outlined in this letter be adhered to and respect is shown within the house of God.
Let all that you do be done with love.
1 Corinthians 16 verse 14
With warm regards,
The Pilgrims Union Church of God, London.